The Israelites are finally leaving Egypt, excited about a new beginning. Even though they are taking a longer route to the promised land, through the wilderness, God is visibly guiding them in the early part of the journey, adding to their dramatic departure:
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. (Exodus 13:21-22)
The Israelites have endured generations of slavery. They’ve seen the plagues take their toll on the Egyptians. The Egyptians want them gone — quickly! Now, God is showing the Israelites the way out, using a “pillar of cloud” by day and by “pillar of fire” at night. The signs confirm Israel’s decision to leave, offering an early indication they made the right decision, perhaps even a promise of safe travels along their journey.
When we embark on new journeys, early on we can feel guided or confirmed in our choices. For example, choosing to generously give money away, even when you feel you can’t spare it, is confirmed by the realization you don’t miss the money, and you soon find your finances replenished! Or, your family’s choice to move, to have or adopt a child, or to spend time on important family activities or invest in relationships, is verified not long after the decision with a sense of peace, joy, or wholeness.
You might choose to use your business leadership skills to help a neighbor through a difficult time, or to lead in your church or community or industry, shortly thereafter receiving positive feedback or feeling deep satisfaction in contributing to something beyond yourself. A decision to sell a part or all of your business, invest more deeply in your team members, or help an employee accomplish their own dream of entrepreneurship, meets with early “signs” confirming your efforts.
Of course, you don’t always receive confirmation that you made the right decision—and sometimes there are signs it might have been the wrong decision (stay tuned for next week…) — but we often see God at work in the choices we make.1
Have you ever felt guided by God, and if so, what signs or feelings confirmed your decision? What choices are you facing in the coming year, for which you hope for God’s direction or confirmation?
This reminds me of the quote often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”